South America Rocks the Digital Age

 A better way to soure Natural Stone from Brazil!

The stone age has roots approximate 2.5 million years BC. This prehistoric period got its name from the way our ancestors found ways to survive. They madestone tools with Sharp cuts to hunt and ensure their livelihood through foraging plants and animal protein.


The key technology of the time was the invention of survival tools, the efficiency and agility in hunting guaranteed food along with body heat from animal skins. Furthermore, tribes also took advantage of these innonvations to survive and develop over the upcoming centuries.


But what does the stone age have to do with digital transformation? Well, as mentioned above, in prehistory, stone was the high-tech tool for hunting. Nowadays companies come up with new machinery, ideas, inputs to inmprove our survival, no longer depending on “hunting tools” for .


Today if you should have any doubt, you have a ´palm computer´ at your fingertips with wireless internet search-engines allowing options that would be unheard of just few decades ago. In addition to a new cake recipe, a result of a football game, you can source new suppliers and pruchases products around the world with a simple click.


At this moment in which we live, companies need these new hunting tools to guarantee innovation, business development or even survival. Resisting the digital world can be a competitive disadvantage for any business or even a simple demise.


In the past it was not possible to imagine that we would have access to the whole world in a matter of few seconds by typing-in key words on our phone or computer but nowadays access to information is increasingly democratic and available. With a click of a mouse you will find out that Brazil is one of the 3 largest exporters of natural stone and in August 2020 has exported 212.138 tons of natural stone worth USD 106.948.183.


Source4Less provides this digital service in order to take your company out of the “stone age” into the “digital age of the stone”. We offer a series of leads and contacts that link international importers in seemless manner.


Brazil is rich country in natural resources and key exporter of natural stone, so why not join the platform and gain access to hard to find information and suppliers? Granites, marbles, soapstone, quartz, quartzite and other types of stone are some of the key products that you will find on the platform with a click of the mouse.


Our team is committed to meeting your sourcing goals for natural stone.


Join the new digital stone age with state of the art suppliers from Brazil on our digital platform!

Kind regards,


Source4Less team

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